
Can pavingstones be installed anywhere instead of asphalt or poured concrete?

Yes, ORCO Pavingstones can be used for any paving project. An interlocking paver system will instantly improve your home’s appearance and increase its appraised value. With dozens of shapes and colors to choose from, design possibilities for driveways, walkways, patios, pool decks and other areas are endless.

What specification applies to Interlocking Concrete Pavers (ICPs)?

Are interlocking pavers as strong as poured concrete driveways?

Interlocking pavers are stronger. Poured concrete driveways are typically rated at 2,500 psi, whereas interlocking pavers are rated at a minimum of 8,000 psi.

Don’t concrete pavingstones cost more than Ready Mix Concrete or Asphalt?

The initial costs of segmental pavements over concrete or asphalt may be more, but it has been shown that the life cycle cost of an interlocking concrete pavement system over a 40 year period is actually less. This is because pavers make up a maintenance free pavement. Because of the system of sand filled joints, unlike concrete or asphalt pavements, an interlocking concrete pavement will not crack. If there is maintenance that needs to be performed underneath the pavement, pavers can be uninstalled, then reinstated when the work is done – as opposed to noisy and messy demolition, disposal and replacement of concrete or asphalt. Stains are easily treated as most pavers can either be cleaned with special cleaners or easily replaced. Even in the short run, there are many advantages to using concrete pavers. Unlike asphalt or concrete, which need time to dry or cure, pavers can be enjoyed as soon as they are installed. Finally, adding in the benefits of many more color and design choices available, it is easy to see why pavers offer the best value.

Can I use pavingstones around a swimming pool?

Absolutely! ORCO pavingstones not only enhance the area around a pool, they also provide a slip resistant surface to walk on. Also, if you ever have to service the area below the pavingstones, you can easily lift and re- lay the pavers.

Are pavingstones slippery?

Pavingstones surpass the standards for slip- resistance set by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

How do pavingstones compare with other paving or decking materials?

Over the lifetime of your installation pavingstones are more aesthetically pleasing, durable and cost effective.

Can pavingstones be installed over existing pavement?

Yes. ORCO Pavingstones can be used as an overlay over existing concrete patios and walkways as well as asphalt driveways. Costs incurred for removal and disposal of existing asphalt or concrete are therefore eliminated.

Where can I go for more information about Interlocking Concrete Pavers?

The Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute

Installation Basics

What is interlock?

In short, interlock is the inability of a paver to move independently of its neighbors. It’s the locking of the pavers that causes loads to be spread over a wider area of pavers than where the load was applied. It’s the key to the strength of the pavement system.

What are the components of an interlocking concrete pavement?

The components include a base, bedding sand, concrete pavers with sand in their joints, and an edge restraint to contain the pavers at the perimeter.

Why do I need an edge restraint for my paver installation?

Edge restraints are a key part of interlocking pavement systems. By providing lateral resistance to loads, they maintain continuity and interlock among the paving units. Without an appropriate edge restraint, the joints between pavers will open up under the forces of regular foot and vehicular traffic and with any freeze/thaw cycles. A good reference on edge restraints can be found in ICPI Tech Spec 3 Edge Restraints for Interlocking Concrete Pavements

What is the base made of? What kind should be used?

The base is typically made of compacted, crushed stone that varies in size from one inch (25 mm) down to dust. Base materials used under asphalt street pavements are acceptable for use with interlocking concrete pavements. Some parts of the country use cement stabilized or concrete bases due to very weak or slow draining soils. However, most applications use a crushed stone base that’s compacted.

Should limestone screenings or stone dust be used under the concrete pavers? What is recommended by CMHA?

No. Most screenings and stone dust have too many fine particles that slow drainage and rut under repeated loads from tires. Sand made with crushed shells (common in Florida) shouldn’t be used either. Concrete sand is recommended. It’s the same sand mixed into concrete pavers and poured, cast – in – place concrete.

What is geotextile? What does it do? Is it necessary?

Sometimes called filter fabric, geotextile is made of plastic threads that allow water to pass around them, but not very small particles of soil beneath them. Geotextile separates and contains the base from the underlying soil subgrade. It allows the base to shed water, and prevents the soil around it from working its way into the base. Without geotextile, the soil will work its way into the base and weaken it. This is a slow process that happens when the soil is saturated with water or during periods of thawing. Geotextile stops this process and extends the life of the base by many years. Geotextile is recommended for use over silt and clay soils. It is not essential in sandy soils.

Is it okay to use fabric designed to prevent weed growth in planting beds instead of geotextile?

No, this material is sometimes not as strong as geotextile and can tear easily.

In order to prevent scuffing, is it necessary to protect the surface of concrete pavingstones from a plate compactor?

Depending on the type of paver used, some contractors use sand or geotextile as a protective layer between the plat and the surface of the pavers. Protective mats for the plate compactors are also available. There is no specific guideline from the CMHA for this, please contact the paver manufacturer for specific recommendations for their product.

What is the minimum drainage slope away from a house or building?

CMHA states the minimum recommended slope is 1.5% or a drop of 3/16 in. for every foot of pavement. Many pavements are sloped at 2% or 1/4 in. per every foot of pavement which will better facilitate drainage

Can I install interlocking concrete pavers myself?



What is the whitish deposit I see on some paver installations?

You are probably referring to efflorescence, a natural and common occurrence in many concrete products. Efflorescence is the result of naturally occurring mineral salts found in the materials used in the production of pavers or block and ORCO Pavingstones accepts no liability for its occurrence. When pavers become wet and absorb moisture the mineral salts are dissolved and are drawn to the surface of the paver with the moisture as it evaporates. This is not a product defect or harmful to the pavers and will usually weather away with time. While we recommend that you wait 6 months to a year for it to dissipate, if you don’t want to wait for it to weather away, BP Pro offers an excellent cleaning product to remove it.

Should I seal concrete pavingstones?

Sealing is not essential in many applications but it offers some benefits like making spills and stains easier to remove. Liquid sealers are applied after the pavers are installed and are cleaned. Paver suppliers can recommend cleaners for concrete pavers. Once applied, the sealers soak into the concrete and into the joints. The sealers in the joints help keep the joint sand in place and prevent weeds and ants, and sealers are essential for areas around swimming pools. BP Pro offers excellent sealers.

How can I minimize weed growth and sand washing out of the joints?

There are several types of joint sand stabilizers available on the market today. Some are dry additives that are bagged and pre- blended with sand and some come in different size buckets that you can mix on site with your own sand. There are also liquid sealers that also act as joint sand stabilizers that can be applied directly over a typical joint sand application. The best alternative should be determined by the contractor, considering application method, experience, manufacturer’s recommendations, job conditions and budget.


What is permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP)?

A PICP system uses interlocking concrete pavers with special joint structures. These structures allow water to flow through the joints and into an open graded base system that allow the water to infiltrate back into the ground or be metered off the property. It is an LID BMP and been in use worldwide for many years.

Where can PICP be used?

PICP can be used in any pedestrian or light vehicular area. Important design consideration needs to be given to areas with high water tables, contaminated soils and potential of contaminated run-off from surrounding areas.

Can ORCO Pavingstone permeable pavers be used in ADA access routes?

With proper installation and maintenance, ORCO Pavingstones line of Cascada permeable pavers are ADA compliant.

Where can I go for more information on PICP?

ICPI Tech Spec 18 – Construction of Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement Systems