ORCO’s concrete products are a great sustainable choice – both from manufacturing and product standpoints. In fact, USGBC’s Orange County chapter recognized ORCO as the “Most Sustainable Manufacturer” in the 2014 ECO Awards program. These same sustainable principles are applied throughout all of ORCO’s manufacturing facilities. Together with 6 LEED-AP’s and 2 Civil Engineers on staff, ORCO is committed to sustainable solutions.
ORCO’s product line capitalizes on the inherent advantages of using concrete – with efficient and economical use of cement, water, and aggregates. Advantages include:
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EPD documentation
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longest life cycle
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better energy efficiency
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Excellent HSW
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minimal site impact
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stormwater management
EPD Documentation
Documented proof with 3rd party verification. (EPD link) For Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs) and Segmental Retaining Walls (SRWs), we can provide project specific EPDs, tailored to each site.
Longest Life Cycle
Longest Life Cycle With Minimal Maintenance
Concrete is one of the most durable construction products on earth. It’s common to have masonry buildings with effective service lives of 50, 75, or even 100+ years. Likewise, concrete pavingstones offer similar extended life cycles – typically assumed to be 25 years or more. Compared to competitive alternatives, there’s very little maintenance necessary to reach their full life cycle.
Regional by Design
Locally sourced raw materials are abundant and readily available. Since aggregates are too heavy and expensive to move long distances, we strategically located our manufacturing plants close to both raw material sources and end user construction.
Efficient Most Efficient Use of Cement and Water
Our dry cast, low slump mix design provides the optimal amounts of cement and water to bind materials. Together with synchronized vibration and compaction, our products achieve targeted strength. In contrast, other systems – like tilt-up and poured products – require significantly more cement and water as well as longer cure times to compensate for product shortcomings.
Recycling Through an Independent Third Party
ORCO’s Pre Consumer waste is mixed with Post Consumer content and then crushed to meet our aggregate sizing requirements. Recycling locations are close by, requiring minimal transport.
Better Energy Efficiency
Better Energy Efficiency Translates to Lower Costs
Thermal Mass (high U-value) minimizes, and in some cases eliminates, need for insulation. CBC Title 24 recognizes this key CMU advantage. For more demanding design requirements, insulated block like Concrete Products Group’s Hi-R-H offering creates high R-values by insulating the exterior CMU assembly. (Hi-R-H link) Values of R-13 or greater are achievable using 12” wide CMU. The units arrive with insulation pre-installed allowing one trade to build a structurally, architecturally finished, and insulated wall assembly.
Excellent HSW
Excellent HSW Excellent Health / Safety / Welfare (HSW) Attributes
CMU have a demonstrated resistance to fire, mold, rot, insects, vermin, and other factors, which impact other building materials – particularly wood. In addition, concrete is basically inert – with little or no off-gassing – even when exposed to extreme heat. Integral CMU color means that no paint or adhesives are necessary. CMU provide excellent design characteristics for dealing with high wind and seismic requirements. All together, these HSW attributes make CMU the perfect choice for commercial, mid-rise residential and ‘Essential Facility’ buildings – like gymnasiums, schools, emergency service centers, police stations, and fire stations – that are critical to the community in the case of extreme emergencies.
Minimal Site Impact
ORCO product arrives at the site on pallets, which can be easily moved or stacked according to site requirements. No large areas necessary for construction staging – like used to pour tilt-up walls. And no special crane – just a typical construction site forklift.
Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management & Reduced Heat Island Effect
ORCO product arrives at the site on pallets, which can be easily moved or stacked according to site requirements. No large areas necessary for construction staging – like used to pour tilt-up walls. And no special crane – just a typical construction site forklift.